Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Crazies (1973)

What happens when the military accidentally releases a biological weapon in a small, rural town? A military plane crashes in the hills of Evans City, Pennsylvania and releases a chemical weapon into the town's water supply. All who drink the water are exposed to the chemical and either die or go permanently insane. There's a gradual progression of violent events in the town until military intervention. Will all those involved survive and escape the town? And will the virus be contained - one way or another??? This is a post Night of the Living Dead film, directed by George Romero. It had a lukewarm reception upon its release, which Romero blamed on poor distribution. The film was remade in 2004. (Personally, this is the one that I prefer!)

I know it says that it's a trailer, but it's the full movie!! Enjoy!!

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